Parents » PBIS


PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports.It is a process for creating a physically and emotionally safer, more effective school by reinforcing positive behaviors as well as preventing and addressing problem behaviors.
At Murphy School we teach the four school pillars of PBIS during the first week of school.These are to be Responsible, show Outstanding Effort, show good Citizenship and show Kindness. Quarterly, we discuss and celebrate these standards at a student run assembly referred to as our Town Meeting.
Each class learns what it looks like and sounds like to follow the rules in all areas of our school: the classroom, the bathroom, the hallway, the cafeteria, the playground, during an assembly, and even on the bus!During the first week of January the rules are retaught as a reminder for the rest of the year.
Any staff member can reinforce positive behaviors by giving students a ROCK ticket.ROCK tickets are accumulated and exchanged for prizes.
If a student does not follow the school rules, he or she will be asked to fill out a Situation Sheet.The Situation Sheet is used for the student to reflect on the rule not followed and on better choices that can be made in the future.The student and a staff member then meet to discuss the Situation Sheet.If a student receives three Situation Sheets for the same behavior then he/she will receive an office referral, which is handled by the principal.
We are very proud of the way our students have risen to our ROCK expectations.The Murphy School "Mustang Horse" logo, appropriately named Charlie Rocker, continues to represent our PBIS behavior plan.