Health & Wellness
The Nursing Department is responsible for the health and welfare of all students during the school day. This is accomplished by first ensuring that all students have a current physical on file and are up to date on all required immunizations. School nurses are trained to assess everything from minor illnesses and injuries that would then return a student to class to major issues that would warrant dismissal home or a transfer to the emergency room. School nurses also network with many community agencies such as Uncas Health Dept., UCFS, MYSB, the State Dept. of Immunizations, and many pediatricians to name a few. We work closely with administrators, regular education, pre-school, and special education teachers to meet the medical needs of all students during the school day. School nurses daily help keep students healthy, in school, and ready to learn.
With the exception of snack and lunch, no outside food may be brought into school from outside sources. This change is to assure consistent procedures across the school district, to align our procedures with the Child Nutrition Programs, The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, and federal, state, and local requirements. Furthermore, our Wellness Policy No. 6142 states: Foods and beverages made available on campus during the school day are consistent with the current Dietary Guidelines for Americans and also states ALL foods prepared on campus adhere to food health and safety guidelines. This would include all birthday and classroom celebrations. One option would be to purchase food choices from our cafeteria which would automatically adhere to the various guidelines. Another option would be to look at alternative celebration ideas outside of food choices.
Here are some alternative suggestions for celebrations:
- Bring age-appropriate "food-less goodies," such as pencils, bookmarks, or stickers.
- Provide supplies for a simple, fun classroom activity.
- Make a small gift in your child's name to the classroom such as art supplies, posters, or books. Be sure to check with the teacher for anything that might be especially needed.
- Donate a book to the school library.
- Check with school nutrition services to see what fresh items or other healthy snacks they can provide for a reasonable fee.