Speech & Language

Mrs. Beaupre
Speech and Language Services
What exactly is a Speech and Language Pathologist?
Speech and language pathologists are experts in the development of communication and its disorders. They are educated with a minimum of a Master's Degree, hold state certification, and are licensed by the Department of Health.
Does Murphy School have a Speech/Language Pathologist?
The Dr. Charles E. Murphy School has a full time Speech/Language Pathologist who specializes in treating children whose speech or language disorders prevent them from being successful in the academic setting. Assistance is provided to children with: language disorders (difficulty understanding and/or expressing language; involving content, form, or use), chronic voice disorders, stuttering, hearing impairment, and articulation problems. Services include: identifying children with communication problems by screening or referral, assessing and diagnosing children's communicative needs and behaviors. Goal-based remediation in individual or group sessions or in the classroom is provided. Periodic assessment of children's progress in achieving instructional and clinical goals and objectives is done each year.
The Dr. Charles E. Murphy School has a full time Speech/Language Pathologist who specializes in treating children whose speech or language disorders prevent them from being successful in the academic setting. Assistance is provided to children with: language disorders (difficulty understanding and/or expressing language; involving content, form, or use), chronic voice disorders, stuttering, hearing impairment, and articulation problems. Services include: identifying children with communication problems by screening or referral, assessing and diagnosing children's communicative needs and behaviors. Goal-based remediation in individual or group sessions or in the classroom is provided. Periodic assessment of children's progress in achieving instructional and clinical goals and objectives is done each year.
How do I know if my child has a Speech or Language Disorder?
Compare your child's speech and/or language to a child who is similar in age, sex, and ethnicity. If there is a marked difference in the way your child speaks or is understood, you may want to contact your child's teacher. S/he works cooperatively with the speech and language pathologist and may ask for an informal screening to access whether the difficulty is developmentally appropriate or whether an assessment may be necessary.
Compare your child's speech and/or language to a child who is similar in age, sex, and ethnicity. If there is a marked difference in the way your child speaks or is understood, you may want to contact your child's teacher. S/he works cooperatively with the speech and language pathologist and may ask for an informal screening to access whether the difficulty is developmentally appropriate or whether an assessment may be necessary.
Here are some helpful parent resources for development of speech and language:
- http://speechlanguageinfo.myefolio.com/main/home
- 4 to 6 years parent info
- 10 Ways to help your child
- Activities to encourage speech and language
- Autism resources