Nurse - Health Office

Mrs. Wilcox
The school nurse is responsible for providing first aid care and assessing illness for all students as needed. The nurse also administers medications to students with a doctor and parent authorization. Parents are asked to refrain from sending in any medication with students; this includes cough drops. Please do not send lip balm for student use. Vaseline is available in the health room.
Yearly screenings such as vision, hearing, height, and weight are done on all students. In addition, fifth grade students have scoliosis screening and growth and development education with parental permission.
The ongoing goal of the school nurse is to keep students healthy and in class as much as possible to facilitate learning. Parents are asked to keep any student with the following conditions at home: vomiting, diarrhea, a temperature of 100F or above, or anything deemed contagious.
Any students that need to be excluded from gym or recess will need a note from their doctor. Please refer to the Dr. Charles E. Murphy Handbook for any other information.